For some reason, I didn’t pick up on it so much in the first volume, but the main story running from the first volume through a good chunk of this one shares a commonality with the Daniel Craig Bond reboot, Casino Royale. Namely, both involve baddies planning on shorting stocks in conjunction with a terrorist attack, though the execution is different in each, it makes me wonder if someone involved with the writing of Casino Royale was cribbing a bit from Burst. Probably just a coincidence though, given how long it takes movies to get off the ground, or even something else coming out before both that I don’t know about which influenced both.

With a noble sacrifice, Rally thwarts the bad guys and the first story comes to a close, but its clear that Sonoda’s left quite a bit hanging and will return to it at a later point. For the last, oh, two-thirds of the book or so, we have a Bean-centric tale with a transport gone bad and an obsessed detective whose come to Detroit to put an end to Bean for good. Its an enjoyable little romp that just shows why you don’t mess with him, even if you’ve caught him outside a car (Jason Statham’s got nothing on this transporter). Though I’m moving right into Volume 3 tomorrow, it was nice to end on a finished story and not have another mid-story cutoff.

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Posted on May 24th, 2009 at 7:31 pm.
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