Coworkers are such fun, they give me opportunity for conversations such as this:

Them: My mouse stopped moving (and fiddles with the connection)
Me: Try pressing the Windows Key (to see if Windows responds, natch)
Them: I don’t see it. Oh there it is, but how am I supposed to press it when the mouse won’t move?
Me: (smacks forehead) It’s on the keyboard, the little Windows logo
Them: Could you give me a hint where to look?
Me: Between Alt and Ctrl
Them: The Spacebar?
Me: (slams head on desk) No, to the left
Them: Oh, the little windows flag

At which point Windows had stopped whatever it was doing and let the mouse move again. I shit you not, that’s how the dialogue went. These people are being paid to help other people set up their e-mail.

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Posted on July 25th, 2007 at 2:21 pm.
Posted in My Life.

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